Leica DMI 6000B Live Imaging Microscope

Detailed specifications:

Microscope: This is an inverted fluorescence microscope equipped for live imaging of samples. The Leica DMI6000 B inverted microscope offers differential interference contrast (DIC) for real life imaging of specimens with varying indices of refraction. This fully automated microscope is ideal for fluorescence, live cell, time-lapse imaging etc and available with temperature and CO2 /humidity control chamber.

Excitation light source:

Mercury arc lamp


  • 10x/0.30 dry, HC PL Fluotar
  • 40x/0.75 dry , HCX PL Fluotar
  • 63x/1.3 glycerine,  HCX PL APO CS Glycerine 21°C

Filter cubes:

  • A4- DAPI/Hoechst
  • CFP
  • YFP- vacant


  • MultiSync LCD workstation with Windows XP OS
  • Leica LAS X software is used for imaging and analysis

Image credits: Numbering from left to right

Image 1: Courtesy Gireesh, Varsha Singh Lab

Image 2: Convallaria majalis rhizome section showing autofluorescence, Courtesy to Carl Zeiss, India

Image 3: Morphological diversity of Cryptocococcus neoformans, Courtesy Atreyee De, Varsha Singh Lab

Image 4: DIC image of tardigrade species isolated from IISc campus, Courtesy to Hari Kumar., Sandeep M Eswarappa Lab

Image 5: DIC image of tardigrade species isolated from IISc campus, Courtesy to Hari Kumar., Sandeep M Eswarappa Lab

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